Monday, May 14, 2007


The way I see it is that we as individuals all do what we need to in order to survive
In order to get the most out of life in the environment in which we try to stay alive
Which allows you to stay competitive and up-to-date with the human race
No one ever said it would be easy because life comes at you at any random pace
And the truth is only you can make the difference
Whether it’s the way you carry yourself, your way of thinking, and the paths you choose
Or even something as simple as your own appearance

We often think people try to destroy our happiness
But if you think a bit deeper
You’ll see they only do what makes them happy even if it causes you sadness
It only seems this way due to the interference of our way of life
Or maybe because of the way it makes us look to the world
Then the reactions usually brings the strife
Because to every action
There is an opposite and equal reaction

Being satisfied is one of mankind’s biggest problems
When we have it all either we want more or sometimes we just want less
Having gold and still looking for silver or even gems
Cause greed happens to be in most people’s agenda
Even if it’s bold and upfront or on the backburner

Why is it so easy to do the wrong things when life starts to get a bit rough?
What makes choosing right over wrong so tough?
Do we always need someone watching over us to give it our all?
Life is really just about choices and how you operate overall
Living a life foremost for yourself taking the rights, others and yourself into consideration all at the same time is the way to go about it
While being humble and opened minded
So just believe in what you do and feel proud

By Romelle Burgess

1 comment:

PabloAntonio said...

I feel you bro, you can never really make someone do anything and most of what they do they do for themselves. That goes for all mankind, me included. Yet Life if really about helping others and love... a constant stuggle to become.