Monday, May 14, 2007

A Mother's Love

Can there ever be a greater love than a mother and child
Some one who is always willing to walk that extra mile
The one person you can close your eyes and trust
To do anything for you without making a fuss
In times of uncertainty and bewilderment
Teaching you life’s lessons with efficient, and effective punishment
While at the same time showing right from wrong and how to use your judgment

Waiting for the day you might fall short
So they can once again play their part
Giving years of support, care, love, protection and shelter
For more years that you can even remember
And never requiring anything in return
Even when you get to the stage when you start to earn
Well now it’s you turn

But how do even start to bestow such love and affection in return
It shouldn’t be anything ordinary
But definitely something unimaginable and out of this world on the contrary
Yet again it’s the simple things in life which are mostly appreciated
Rather that trying to do something big that might just be too complicated
Just know she should be smiling, happy and full of joy once you have started

Maybe a few poises a day or a few roses
Or maybe your love in small doses
Until she understands how happy she has made you
Because there is no better love than between a mother and her baby boo

By Romelle Burgess

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