Monday, May 21, 2007

Till It’s Gone

It’s not often that we as all appreciate what we have in life
Usually it takes something painful, sad or tragic to make us come alive
It can be hard to recover or its just way too late
But maybe its just fate

It’s as simple as not showing someone how much you care
Then the next day you wake up to find they are not there
Either by choice or something as cruel as death
Growing up with all your parents wealth
You tend to forget the real important things in life and you become corrupt
Then again it all can go the next day by being robbed or just going bankrupt

Being able to run, jump, hop and smile
Some people haven’t been able to do that in quite a while
Probably because these abilities were taken away
The ability to run, jump, hop and smile all faded away
And yet again that’s just how life can unfold
So everything you can do and have should be treated like gold

While you are young and you are strong you can do anything u imagine
But when you get old all you can do is imagine
There are no promises to waking up being the same as yesterday
So everyday should be a thankful day
Cause life has its ways of rapidly changing when you least expect it for the worst

So take a bit of advice from a gentleman’s thinking
Show appreciation to your love ones or even the ones who give u a little bit of liking
Enjoy and treasure the abilities to walk, talk and even something as simple as love
Because tomorrow doesn’t guarantee none of the above

By Romelle Burgess

Monday, May 14, 2007


The way I see it is that we as individuals all do what we need to in order to survive
In order to get the most out of life in the environment in which we try to stay alive
Which allows you to stay competitive and up-to-date with the human race
No one ever said it would be easy because life comes at you at any random pace
And the truth is only you can make the difference
Whether it’s the way you carry yourself, your way of thinking, and the paths you choose
Or even something as simple as your own appearance

We often think people try to destroy our happiness
But if you think a bit deeper
You’ll see they only do what makes them happy even if it causes you sadness
It only seems this way due to the interference of our way of life
Or maybe because of the way it makes us look to the world
Then the reactions usually brings the strife
Because to every action
There is an opposite and equal reaction

Being satisfied is one of mankind’s biggest problems
When we have it all either we want more or sometimes we just want less
Having gold and still looking for silver or even gems
Cause greed happens to be in most people’s agenda
Even if it’s bold and upfront or on the backburner

Why is it so easy to do the wrong things when life starts to get a bit rough?
What makes choosing right over wrong so tough?
Do we always need someone watching over us to give it our all?
Life is really just about choices and how you operate overall
Living a life foremost for yourself taking the rights, others and yourself into consideration all at the same time is the way to go about it
While being humble and opened minded
So just believe in what you do and feel proud

By Romelle Burgess


In life many things at the same time might go wrong as they sometimes will
That's when the road you're traveling seems all uphill
When you are no where close to being on a high
And every time you look up all you see is a dark sky
When you constantly are trying to go forwards
And a force is there always pulling you backwards

Rest assure I’m forever by your side
You turn to me and we together will put anything aside
You look left you look right
I’ll be there with all my might
You look up you look down
I’ll be there to never let you down

We'll do it bit by bit
Rest if you must, but you and I will never quit
Success is having control of the paths u make
But it starts with the strides you take
You might not be able to tell just how close you are
It may be near when it seems afar
So stick around and make your home here even when our hardest times hit
Because it's when things go wrong that you mustn't quit

You be good to me
And I'll show you just how great life can be
From dreams coming through
To the slightest thing you’ve ever wanted to do
It starts with us having the right gauge
And always being on the same page
Because we are in this thing together
Now and forever

By Romelle Burgess

Life With A Crystal Ball

Knowing it all, living life with a crystal ball
Wouldn’t life be so great, taking away so much weight
Understanding what brings sadness and what promotes happiness
If there is really true love or even a real God above
Can you wait for your life to be made or should you just go work to be paid
Does it make sense to follow your dreams, when that’s not how it really seems
So many questions to solve but so little time to resolve

Imagine your whereabouts without any doubts
All your capabilities because of your natural abilities
Seeing from afar an individual not as they want you to see, but who they really are
A real friend from the ones who claim they would be there to the end
A love with no tears and the aptitude to go on for years
Most of all the dexterity to find ourselves and our significance through our integrity
But yet again so my answers needed and no where to begin

So many questions to solve, but so little time to resolve
And yet again so many answers needed and no where to begin
Because life will be forever a mystery and a crystal ball will never be a reality

By Romelle Burgess

When Love is over

When love is over
Do you really need to give your partner a cold shoulder
Can’t something positive ever come from something negative
After all the hugging and kissing and things you‘ve been through
Wouldn’t it be something nice to do

Nothing in life is perfect
So do you really think it’s worth it
To not even be in that person’s heart
When you couldn’t at one point even be apart
Maybe it’s the heart on its way back to recovery
Or could it be that you just need to open your wings and fly free

New beginnings always bring a great start
But what happens when you recollect and you can’t forget those memories at heart
Because of something that was done or said when you were gay
To remind you of this person you let slip away
There is no need for regret
Because there is something to be learnt in everyone you’ve met

Give it a day or give it a year
I’m sure one day you’ll remember it all and start to care
What if I had, maybe I should of, why didn’t we
Still the fact remains what will be, Will be
The burning of bridges just isn’t the way you want it going
Instead just let the love keep on flowing

Does love really have to be over
Do you really need to give a cold shoulder
Cure your thoughts of anger and rage
By simply rewriting that old page
Now I’m sure you’ll see friendship is much better at this stage
Cause forgiving, forgetting and loving again shouldn’t have to come in your old age

By Romelle Burgess

A Mother's Love

Can there ever be a greater love than a mother and child
Some one who is always willing to walk that extra mile
The one person you can close your eyes and trust
To do anything for you without making a fuss
In times of uncertainty and bewilderment
Teaching you life’s lessons with efficient, and effective punishment
While at the same time showing right from wrong and how to use your judgment

Waiting for the day you might fall short
So they can once again play their part
Giving years of support, care, love, protection and shelter
For more years that you can even remember
And never requiring anything in return
Even when you get to the stage when you start to earn
Well now it’s you turn

But how do even start to bestow such love and affection in return
It shouldn’t be anything ordinary
But definitely something unimaginable and out of this world on the contrary
Yet again it’s the simple things in life which are mostly appreciated
Rather that trying to do something big that might just be too complicated
Just know she should be smiling, happy and full of joy once you have started

Maybe a few poises a day or a few roses
Or maybe your love in small doses
Until she understands how happy she has made you
Because there is no better love than between a mother and her baby boo

By Romelle Burgess