Monday, March 31, 2008

What is Love

Many of times I ask myself what is love really all about
In theory it’s an intense feeling of deep affection to a person or thing without a doubt
But it’s more than words can describe and deeper than any man can probably say
With constant room for improvement from day to day

Love can be good and love can be bad
It can make you glow or it can drive you mad
Cause when things are good its heaven but when it’s bad it becomes hell
And anyone who has lived it would be able to tell

So many people throw the word love around
Giving it so little value when it is said as bad as it sound
Often they lack the ability to differentiate between loving and being in love
That’s why so many relationships never make it
Because just before it ends they aren’t even sure they even loved you a little bit

Love is easier and more desirable when it’s pure
Without the rules, high expectations, intensity and everything else I’m sure
It usually gets this way when titles are just around the corner or in sight
Then the other half think they have the right to be upset and start a fight

Maybe ill never fully be able to describe love
But I do know love is much easier to be shown that to be explained
So for now I’ll just stick with what I know and give it a rest

By Romelle Burgess

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is true that love is confused with other feelings and emotions all too often and sadly it gets to the point where it is never truly and really experienced. The most likely cases being where one has to differentiate love from infatuation and then from lust. They say life minus expectations equals happiness, this may be true up to a certain point.