Thursday, November 1, 2007

Pleasing Others

It’s impossible to please everyone at the same time
As it is to please one person all the time
The reality is that’s how life was meant to be
Nothing is a guarantee
Even with the thought of sacrifice
It’s still as unlikely as aiming for a seven with one throw of a dice

With this in mind
It’s easy to fall behind
Since you can’t always be who you really are
This is where inconsistency commences
Due to the fact your actions aren’t guided by what you believe or by your happiness but of someone else’s
Slowly you start to lose track of who you once were
And where you’re heading become so unsure and blur
Then it’s only a matter of time before you fall short
Where most of the time it doesn’t matter to even the people you had at heart

Cause in their eyes you didn’t make them smile
So take a while
Find yourself, find happiness, and find your boundaries and where you’re allowed
Believe in what you do and feel proud
Because it only takes one scenario for everything to turn around
And before you know it what you had before might never be sound
And all your time and efforts would go unnoticed and unrewarded
So try to live your life to the fullest without regret and enjoy everything you ever did

By Romelle Burgess

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