Friday, August 17, 2007

Double Standards

Thou shall not kill
Yet still the execution of criminals is not at a stand still
What gives a human the right to take another’s life
To chase after another man’s wife
Forgetting that man shall not covet thy neighbor’s wife or thy neighbor’s ass
But everyday we continue to do it all over again while asking for forgiveness for out past

Thou shall not bear false witness
But yet again we get involve and lie about people’s business
As the fight goes on for gay marriages in our nation
When man should not lie with man as he lay with woman because it’s an abomination
Simple guidelines and rules
And we as people just continue to play the part of a fool

So easy for people in high places to take advantage of the system
Taking no consideration for others while treating them as if they were an item
So who will police the police’s actions
It’s not right to just wait to see people’s reactions
Who will judge the judge’s judgment
While making sure they live up to each and every commandment
Who give an executioner the right to execute
To take a human’s life as if he was as worthless as a dead root

Who makes a soldier’s job okay or even alright
When your duty is to kill on sight
Why go over vows and get wed
If you need more than one woman in your bed
We live so much for our wants and needs for so long
We continue to forget right from wrong
But all the answers we need came from above
And are all written in the book of life

By Romelle Burgess

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