Sunday, November 21, 2010

Everybody's Business

Why does your business catch the attention of so many
Having others judging you and saying you’re not even worth a penny
Why do humans think they can judge another being
When I’m sure they are just as bad or worse from what we ourselves are seeing
The name calling, the propaganda
And all the rest of the slander
I guess they just need to think or speak of someone negatively
In order to feel good about themselves and what they bring to the table

Most of the talk is probably “hear say” but so what even if it was true
They are no better themselves with the things they do
They steal, they lie, they swear, they might even turn the other way
But again no one is perfect and we learn each and everyday
For when they make their mistakes while we watch from close by
After we figure we knew all along the right road to take….oh my

Just leading to the continuous staring and laughing at another
But when you check, you yourself don’t even have it all together
Because the more time we put into this action
The less time you put into your personal life and satisfaction
In the end whether its jealousy or mere entertainment
It has little or no fulfillment

By Romelle Burgess