Wednesday, August 27, 2008


So often we say we live in regret
From the memories that make us upset or the ones that still feel like a threat
Disbelief, pain, a loss anything adverse is where it all comes from
But yet still at the time a decision had to be the outcome

In every regret there is a lesson to be learnt or some sort of upside
So why continue to swim against the current when you can ride with the tide
In many situations you will encounter that cause regret you gain experience
And you gain a bit more intelligence
Because you learn the do's and don'ts and the possibilities of how things really happen
Or even have the opportunity to meet people you wouldn't have laid eyes upon
If you ever wished you didn't go through that thing we call regret we wouldn't know what and who we know

Regret really is an inimical word by society's definition
But for me its a positive forward movement of my knowledge, networking and ambition
Due to every learning experience and new person I come a cross
Even though during the pain and hurt you get so lost
As hard as it is to endeavor

It really helps and stays with you forever

We ask ourselves from time to time what is it that makes us happy in the end
Isn't it the experiences that we can't forget and the people we meet who we call friends
Well good or bad situations or even the ones we call regrets we gain all the above
So why slow ourselves down by trying to recover from it
Instead why not embrace regret and all that it might emit
See it as any normal situation with a bit more pain in order to gain
So there is a part of you that you might need to train
Because in every regret there is a lesson to be learnt or some sort of upside
So why continue to swim against the current when you can ride with the tide

By Romelle Burgess