Thursday, September 27, 2007

Lifetimes Vs Seasonals

Some people come into your life for a life time
And some people come for one season during your life time
But they all leave foot prints in our hearts
Whether they are good or bad when you part
It’s hard to get to know someone day by day
Just to eventually see them fade away
Probably a good thing everyone doesn’t stay

Most people eliminate themselves which is probably best
And you’re left to figure out the rest
In times of need and times when you’re trying to succeed
It will be revealed who you can trust and who will do you a good deed
Cause lifetimes stay around to help with your heavy loads
While seasonal stay around only when you’re traveling on flat, smooth roads

In this world of fakes, imposters and maybes
It’s not as easy as taking candy from babies
But if you look deep enough you will see
No one ever said it would be easy
Identifying the real from the imposters
The lifetime from the seasonal visitors

They aren’t a lot of lifetimes around
On the other hand a lot of seasonals can be found
The hardest dilemma is to let go of a seasonal who you thought was a lifetime When realizing someone who you thought was a seasonal would actually be there for you everytime
Never the less you keep it real and stay strong
And surround yourself with the ones who really want to stay around
The ones who carry that lifetime bound

By Romelle Burgess