Sunday, November 21, 2010

Everybody's Business

Why does your business catch the attention of so many
Having others judging you and saying you’re not even worth a penny
Why do humans think they can judge another being
When I’m sure they are just as bad or worse from what we ourselves are seeing
The name calling, the propaganda
And all the rest of the slander
I guess they just need to think or speak of someone negatively
In order to feel good about themselves and what they bring to the table

Most of the talk is probably “hear say” but so what even if it was true
They are no better themselves with the things they do
They steal, they lie, they swear, they might even turn the other way
But again no one is perfect and we learn each and everyday
For when they make their mistakes while we watch from close by
After we figure we knew all along the right road to take….oh my

Just leading to the continuous staring and laughing at another
But when you check, you yourself don’t even have it all together
Because the more time we put into this action
The less time you put into your personal life and satisfaction
In the end whether its jealousy or mere entertainment
It has little or no fulfillment

By Romelle Burgess

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


A substance that acts on the nervous system that causes addition through stimulation
This is a drug by definition
Whether it’s legal or illegal is up to the laws
Which are created by man and it’s possible to their own flaws
I don’t think ill ever understand the system
And how it really affects each and every victim

Marijuana is an illegal drug
So we can sweep that under the rug
Cocaine is also on the list
And probably wouldn’t go unnoticed
Alcohol is legal everywhere on the streets
And so many people after a few drinks get into the driving seats
Tired and carelessly under the influence of alcohol
And to this very day I’m still appall

For a substance that acts on the nervous system which takes so many lives
Leaving behind children, husbands, and wives
And we can’t seem to realize the main cons
Alcohol is much worse than a lot of the illegal ones
And the system that I’d never understand gives it life
When we really need to cut down on it like a knife

But it provides a form of entertainment
A sense of fulfillment
It’s another job on the streets
But the fact remains it can kill
And take away John, Jackie, Michelle and even Will
So when you talk about prohibiting
Think about who you might want to see still living

By Romelle Burgess

Saturday, October 3, 2009

The Voice

Every now and then it speaks to us
Only in a way that listening is a must
Its tells us either no or yes
If to stand still or try to progress
Whether its wrong or whether its right
Whether to retreat or just stand up and fight

No one else can hear it but you
Only you know if what it says is true
Because it comes from deep inside
One of many true friends that come to you to confide
But yet still we consider if we should follow or alternate
Then we think about our fate

Now its what you want the outcome to be
And maybe what the world will see
Can it be your gut feeling showing you the way
Throughout the night or throughout the day
Maybe in reality its God’s way of communicating a message
The message when we are caught center stage
With our biggest concerns and fears
When no one can help us not even our closest peers

By Romelle Burgess

The Naked Truth

So often we hear from others “just tell me the truth”
But we both know when they do hear it their heads go through the roof
And even though u knew how bad it could be
It gets even worse when it comes out in the open
Having such an effect it leaves a sour taste of a couple limes
But don’t get me wrong I do believe in telling the truth at all times
Well to tell the naked truth most of the time anyways
Even though I know the harm and hurt it might even raise

Often we don’t know either how to say it or when to say it
But the longer we take the deeper the pit
And the deeper the pit the harder they fall, the more pain they gain
Because by the time you get out you’re back in another situation again

We cover it up with nice words to start
We even omit the worse part
We totally deny any connection with the naked truth
And continue because there is a lack of proof
And to top it off we just say we just don’t want to talk
Because the pressure is all over us like a hawk

For the reality is many of us can’t handle the truth
Whether we are saying it or hearing it
In the end we will react how at the time we see fit
So why ask if you know the possibilities of hearing what you can’t handle is there

By Romelle Burgess

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I'd Give

I’d rather have rough days with you
Than good times with someone new
I’d stay by you in any and every storm
Rather than be so alone, safe and warm
I’d wait on you my entire life
Than to say I do and have some other woman be my wife
I’d give up all the wealth and all the fame
Just so we both could have the same last name
I’d give up a glimpse of heaven on any day
Just so your smile would never fade away

I’d give up everything your eyes couldn’t bare to see
If I couldn’t have you both and live happily
I’d have little or no pride
Just so people could see your forever by my side
Making sure when you go to bed that there’s nothing you’d want me to do
Because I’d make all your wants, needs and dreams come through
I’d take the IM off of impossible so you can get something even better than the best
So its crystal clear I’m totally different from all the rest
But I just don’t know if I could ever give my life up for you
Because I know I’d be leaving you so lost, so alone, and in this world all sad and blue

By Romelle Burgess

Sunday, January 18, 2009

If Talk Wasn't So Cheap

Imagine if talk wasn’t cheap
Some people’s bills probably would be steep
Some would need a couple credit cards
And some might even need to have a date with the bill collector
Or on the other hand a lot might not be said
And not everything would be repeat that our minds are feed
Many people could find themselves without jobs
The hypocrites, the parasites and even the jealous snobs

In this world where sometimes your friends are really not your friends
And some enemies turnout to be better when the road you’re on you can’t see the turns and bends
Even though talk is cheap it has the ability to destroy years of love, trust or friendship
Whether it’s true or not before you know it the script has been flip

So what if there was a price tag heavily when negativity is at heart
Especially with the more negative words being higher on the chart
The world could be a much brighter place
With a lot more smiles on each and every face
But don’t get me wrong I’m sure there will be times
Times when things will have to be said no matter if it’s much more than a couple dimes

The obvious still remains that it probably wouldn’t stop it all
And some people will still want to see you take a fall
But having to pay for your every word definitely could make some difference
And just maybe continue to create a bit of good influence
Because our world could go without a lot less negative words
That’s usually can take away someone’s sunshine or deafen you to the sweet singing of the birds

By Romelle Burgess

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Game

Hear the Crowd roar
As they can only imagine what else is in store
The shared brilliance, the finesse, the composure, the rhythm that fills the arena with amazement
The seconds you wish you could get back when you blink, oh the excitement
It's not possible that it gets much better than this
Nothing could stop the splendid talent, not the rain, not the snow and certainly not the mist

The drums, the trumpets, the Mexican waves, if only you could experience this atmosphere
No room for mistakes and no time for fear
As the referee makes his call
And everyone's eyes are focused on the ball
It's the moment you've been training for
Almost as if you were in a war
No retreat, no surrender
As you become one on one with your defender

You fake left, then you go right
Before you know it he is out of sight
Then there comes that moment
The adrenaline, the expectation, the desire and at the end the fulfillment
As the ball and your finishing touch have met
Gracefully as you watch the ball hit the back of the net

As you and the entire arena celebrates
And your eyes settle on your teammates
And the possibility is closer of shedding a tear
Then you remember why you are there
It's not really the fame
It's because you love this game

By Romelle Burgess

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Pray

I give myself unto thee this very day
My heart, my mind, my body and my soul if I may
For you to come in and for you to stay
In my work and even my play
Take control of me in everyway

I prayer for this very moment I have that I can sit and talk to you
As you protect, bless, forgive, guide and teach me in everything I do
I ask that you do the same for my family, friends and even my worse enemy
Whoever he or she might be

And as this prayer comes to an end
As I know I can't thank you enough for being there for me my friend
I'd like to thank you for everything you have ever done and that you will continue to do
Because this place would be nothing without you

By Romelle Burgess

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


So often we say we live in regret
From the memories that make us upset or the ones that still feel like a threat
Disbelief, pain, a loss anything adverse is where it all comes from
But yet still at the time a decision had to be the outcome

In every regret there is a lesson to be learnt or some sort of upside
So why continue to swim against the current when you can ride with the tide
In many situations you will encounter that cause regret you gain experience
And you gain a bit more intelligence
Because you learn the do's and don'ts and the possibilities of how things really happen
Or even have the opportunity to meet people you wouldn't have laid eyes upon
If you ever wished you didn't go through that thing we call regret we wouldn't know what and who we know

Regret really is an inimical word by society's definition
But for me its a positive forward movement of my knowledge, networking and ambition
Due to every learning experience and new person I come a cross
Even though during the pain and hurt you get so lost
As hard as it is to endeavor

It really helps and stays with you forever

We ask ourselves from time to time what is it that makes us happy in the end
Isn't it the experiences that we can't forget and the people we meet who we call friends
Well good or bad situations or even the ones we call regrets we gain all the above
So why slow ourselves down by trying to recover from it
Instead why not embrace regret and all that it might emit
See it as any normal situation with a bit more pain in order to gain
So there is a part of you that you might need to train
Because in every regret there is a lesson to be learnt or some sort of upside
So why continue to swim against the current when you can ride with the tide

By Romelle Burgess

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Why Not You?

Can you really be any and everything you want in life
Having a big house, fancy car and a beautiful wife
Known by many and hated by few
Have all the solutions when no one else knows what to do
Knowing all the right people in high places
Having a great family and being able to put smiles on their faces
Well the possibilities are there if you take into consideration your lifestyle
Are you willing to go the extra mile

How much are you prepared to give up and for how long
Maybe a few nights a week with the boys on the town
Or anything that possibly might get in your way
Apply more work and a lot less play
When everyone is out and about and having fun
Your deep in the books and working a ton

How much is too much
Its not as easy as we make it out to be
Because for most people it's only a dream we hope to see
Only since no one has yet found a formula for success
But through hard work, determination and discipline there is access

We are born equal in every form and fashion
And maybe it has to do a lot with our passion
But if you can give up as much as you need to
For as long as you have to
The possibilities are out there if you have a high aim
Because once again people have done it in the past who were born equal and just like us the same
So why not you
Why cant you have it all and fulfill everything in life there is to do

By Romelle Burgess